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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Trip to Insect and Butterfly Kingdom !!!!!!

Sentosa Fun Pass!

Bundle of Play 3, Play 5 & Play Max

I bought Play 5 because it is just nice & sufficient for the whole day spent!

Play 3 seems too little, Play Max seems too much ( Too many to play in a day; less time!) Play 5 just fine & enough! HAHHAHAHAHAH

Fun Pass is a great choice for people who don't want to hassle & waste time buying entrance ticket to each attraction & save $!

It's call FUN PASS for a reason! FUN @ SENTOSA!!!!!

Using the Fun Pass, I use it for Insect and Butterfly Kingdom~

The description on the pamphlet indicate that it is a sizeable outdoor park and a collectible museum.

I think it could be fun as I LOVE taking shots of macro stuff yayyysyz DAMN IT WAS FUN. Although not as massive as Entopia, which is really a dedicated park for bugs and insects, seeing all the little creature makes me excited kekekkeke.

Instance step inside there is this little thing!

feasting on juice!

A common butterfly

There are others but this one is closest to me~

another pretty one! like tiger!


Next enclosure is for birds and reptile!!




peak a boo


head shot

feet shot

side shot

yo shot

direct shot

Imagine the reptile suddenly pounce on your face, I know won't but just imagine. Like lizard is jump but this is times larger than lizard !

spotted another



Spread your wings and fly! There are butterfly everywhere! Sadly there is a hurt butterfly on the ground and the ranger try to cure it.

More section ahead!

blue birdy

and of course tortoise!

A few pictures for this outdoor area because on that timing it's gonna rain, dark skies and dark clouds surrounding the area~

So quickly head inside the indoor gallery! Tons of butterfly, beetles, dragonfly etc. "corpse" in frames and even spiders and stick insect!! Bugs and Insects that are exotic & found in the wild that I always watch on Discovery Channel TV right in front of my eyes!!

And that's the end of 1 attraction !

Stay tune for more!!

HAHAHA, But unlikely because other attractions is all activity & games & outdoor adventures so not really much documents~ Didn't go to the wax museum or trick eye because that day too tired and sweaty and don't really look on point HAHAHAHA so say kinda will waste the tickets just to go in see see - look look wheareas the main point is to pose~

Till Next Time Folks!



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