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Monday, May 23, 2011

talking about menopause

I given up.
How can I even catch my breathe?
How should I face you?

Menopause is really troublesome.
It is not like other illness that give you any chances.
It strike ALL women.

Everytime you made a mistake and I get angry,
I forget that you are sick.
Because menopause is not visible,
Thats make me forget.

Taking care of you is a HUGE responsible.
Since then, I figured out that I have bi-polar.
But I would not put the blame on you.

The symtoms of menopause:
Itchy hands eat too much pepper in the young days
Nag she forget that she said before and will go on
Play ignorant and put the blame on someone else
Toilet is a MUST HAVE place she cannot live without it
Senile in a matter of time
Poke into other stuffs

How can I help you?
How can I get things right?


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