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Friday, November 29, 2013



中文 泰语发音 英文
02、你好吗?/sa-bai-di-mai萨拜迪麦/How are you?
03、我还好!/sa-bai-di萨拜迪/I am fine!
04、您叫什么名字?/kun-ci-a-lai坤赐阿莱/what is your name?
05、你去哪里?/kun-bai-nai 坤拜奈/where are you going?
06、再见!/la-gong 拉拱/ Good Bye!/Bye Bye
07、祝好运!/cuo-di措迪/ Good Luck!
08、谢谢你!/kuo-kun扩坤/Thank you!
09、对不起!/kuo-tuo扩拓 /sorry!/Excuse me!
10、不要紧!/mai-bian-lai卖鞭莱/never mind!
11、不明白!/mai-kao-zai 卖靠哉/ don't understand!
12、你能帮我一下吗?/kun-que-can-dai-mai坤鹊蚕代麦/ can you help me?
13、我在找。/can-ha-you 蚕哈友/ I'm looking for.
14、迷路了。/mai-lu-za-tan卖路杂摊/Lose way.
15、我想去 ---。/can-ya-bai蚕亚掰---/ I want to go to ---.
16、火车站/sha-tan-ni-luo-huai沙潭尼摞淮/ train station?
17、公共汽车站/sha-tan-ni-luo-mie 沙潭尼摞咩/Bus stop
18、飞机场/sha-nang-bing 沙囊冰/Air Station
19、酒店/long-liang 隆凉/Hotel
21、警察署/sha-tan-ni-dan-luo沙潭尼丹摞/ Police Station
25、要/ao 凹/Need To
28、不要怕/mai–dong-gua卖冬瓜/Be fearless of
29、别担心!/mai-dong-huan 卖冬缓/ Care Nothing For!
30、兄|姐(泰国礼貌称呼)/pi 屁/Elder brother|sister
31、弟|妹(泰国礼貌称呼)/nong脓/Younger brothing|sister

32、价格多少?/laka-tao-lai拉咖讨来/How much?
33、便宜一点可以吗?/tu -(n-oi快连读)-dai-mai土(n-oi)代麦/cheap OK!
34、贵了!/pian-liao 翩辽/Expensive!
35、兑换钱/lie-en 列恩/Change Money
36、去哪里?/bai-nai 拜奈/Where to?
37、去海滩/bai-ta-lie 拜踏咧/Go to Beach
39、电话/tuo-le-sa 托勒洒/telephone
40、你真漂亮!/kun-sui-jing-jing坤水晶晶/you beautiful!
41、你真英俊!/kun-luo-jing-jing坤裸晶晶/you handsome!
42、几点钟?/gei-meng给蒙/what time?
43、三点了/san-meng-liao三蒙辽/three clock
45、好吃!/a-(l-oi快连读)啊(l-oi)/ Good!
47、好看!/na-du 那杜/Be good!
48、不行!/mai-dai 卖代/No!
49、喜欢!/chuo 戳/like
50、不喜欢!/mai-chuo 卖戳/Don’t like
51、有/mi 米/Yes Have
52、没有/mai-mi 卖米/No Without
53、市场/da-la 搭腊/Market
54、小吃店/lan-a-han 兰阿含/Snack bar
55、买东西/shi-kong 匙孔/ShoPing
56、榴莲/tu-lian 突帘/Duriovn
57、红毛丹/e-o 快连读/Rambutan
58、山竹/man-ku 蛮哭/Mango Steen
59、甜/wan 玩/Sweet
60、酸/biao 标/Acerbitg
61、太辣/pi-gen-bai 坯跟掰/Hot peppery
62、热/long 隆/Hot heat
63、冷/nao 挠/Cold
64、我/peng 澎/I
65、你/kun 坤/you
66、他/kao 考/ he
67、我们/lao 捞/
68、他们/po-kao 泼考/Them 、They
69、买水果/shi-peng-le-mai 匙蓬勒卖/Buy Fruit
70、行李/ga-bao 嘎包/bag baggage
71、泰铢/ba 把/Money thai
72、远/gai 该/Far
73、近/gai 盖/Near
74、轻/bao 包/light
75、重/na 那/Again
76、舒服 /sa-bai 沙掰/Be well
77、不舒服/mai-sa-bai 卖沙掰/Feel bad
79、跟我走/dang-chan-bai 当禅掰/Follow Me
80、多/ma-骂/More Mch
81、少/(n- òi 快连读)/Limle few
82、做善事/摊( b-ūn 快连读)/ Waters
83、庙/wa 哇 /Tempiu
84、和尚/pa 怕/Bonze
85、租/cao 操/Rent
86、车/luo 骆/Vehicle
87、房间/hong 烘/room
88、大娘/ba 坝/grandma
89、注意小心/la-wan 拉完/Be Careful
90、够了/po-liao 坡辽/Enough quite
91、船/le 乐/Boat
92、用/cai 财/Use
93、没有礼貌/mai-mi-ma-la-ya 卖米吗拉压/Disrespect
94、我爱你/can-la-te 蚕拉特/I Love You
95、会讲泰语/pu-bian-pa-sha-tai 铺鞭趴沙泰/Speak thai
96、不会讲中文/pu-mai-bian-pa-sha-jing 铺卖鞭趴沙京/ don't speak chinese
97、唱歌/long-pan 隆翩/Sing Song
98、跳舞/dian-lan 电缆/ Dance
99、微笑/ying 蝇/Smile
100、哭/long-hai 隆害/Cry

Friday, November 22, 2013



認為向人訴說 是軟弱的表現
甚至認為流淚和認錯 就不是大丈夫

男人傾向於知性和理論的辯論 而不愛談感受
男性的困難就是無法舒暢地分享他們的失敗 焦慮和失望

即是他們非常需要幫助 也無法說出哪怕簡單明了的三個字:“幫助我!”

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


或许你认为你开始喜欢上他对你好、 他关心你、 他总是很乐意的和你聊天 发短信 、或许哪天他做了感动死你的事情了、 那他是否喜欢你呢。
我们都不知道 ,别轻率的开始, 因为结束可能很痛苦。

Friday, November 15, 2013


Hey yo! I saw people playing Outlast and I thought it was quite fun seeing their reactions! Pewdiepie did it!

And well I found out a local Crazy Kopitiam facebook page also play! Kopielaowu ! by the name~~

Wah I like to hear his sexxxxxxxxxy voiceeeee!~~~

hahahhaha so ham sap one!!!

Well in the last part he revealed his face ~~~ good-looking dude~~~ wahhhhh~~~ *drools* =-=

In all the video, you can expect lots of vulgar and FUNNEH parts!!! hehehe 

I always ROFL. Share my opinions, no?


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Taman Molek controversial graffiti

new public bank area

Ohayo! Wassup wassup y'all! Me here~ With the latest buzz coming around, Ernest Zacharevic, is a name probably known to many Malaysians especially Johoreans now.  Not that he is that 'famous' but he sparked controversial over his Lego graffiti. (LegoLand weeeeee~)
haizzzz kids

He once hit the news over his famous Penang murals ' A girl ride a bike with her brother'. Since then, many locals/tourists posed to have a picture with it. 
lousy kids =-=

Just last week, I saw the newspaper with his new art again. Not far from where I stay, so I decided to have a look. Or more precisely, to have a photo shoot. I was so excited going out because I rarely out because of the SPM. I felt so STRESS! haha! =-=

The graffiti was a woman with Chanel bag (possibly hinting JPO?) and a man thief holding a knife waiting at the corner. Well oh well, this sparked controversial but it painted out whats really concerning in the country.

But the graffiti was replaced with white walls after that, done by MBJB. Bravo that, because I planned to go there to snap a photo with the mr. policeman drawn by someone else. A perfect murals, don't cha think? 

Another two art painted by him as well, in Ros Merah. The back alley but I don't want la, so dirty there.... (Am Bank)
nice mee!

Since then, someone else (again!) paste smaller version of paper-cut outs of the graffiti. hahaha! i won't give up~~~~ attitude to cheesed the gov. And this idea has brought to many other places as well ---  with the same drawing.

Okay! That is all from me, Signing out~~~~~! See ya ~
hey #beb #sharemycokelah


y swim so fast



before you gone.

Oh and before that, let me share one song I recently like. 悄悄告訴你 from the movie 『被偷走的那五年』 sang by fan fan! 范瑋琪!!!! I love the movie!! So touching!!! Tears drop! I could definitely relate to the story! 

Hahaha! Also want to watch The Hunger Games as well! mocking jay! 



1. 我:na
2. 你:nong
3. 父亲:a bu ji(或者是a ba)
4. 母亲:o ma 
5. 姐姐:o ni
6. 哥哥:oppa(注意:这个称呼是女生对喜欢的人的爱称,和爸爸的发音完全不一样哦!)
7. 大叔:a jia xi
8. 大嫂:a ji ma
9. 你好(见面用语):a nyiong ha she yo
10. 你好(电话用语“喂”):yo pu sai yo
11. 我爱你:sa lang hey
12. 对不起:bi a nei (但还有人说是mi a nei)
13. 谢谢:kam sa ham ni da(或者是cang sa ha mi da)
14. 傻瓜:pa bo
15. 很好(喜欢):chu wa yo
16. 喜欢你:chu wa hei yo
17. 不要:xi lo
18. 不可以(不行):an day
19. 怎么了(为什么):wei yo?
20. 天啊:o mo eh!
21. 怎么办:o to kay
22. 知道了:a la so
23. 漂亮:yi pu da
24. 想死吗:chu guo lei
25. 亲爱的:cha ga ya
26. 走:ka(走吧是ka za)
27. 不要走:ka ji ma
28. 没关系:kuen ca na
29. 等一下:ca ga man ni yo
30. 孩子(小孩):ai gi
31. 钱:tong
32. 出来:la wa
33. 但是:han ji ma
34. **君:**xi(大家都知道日韩的女性对男性的尊称都有什么什么君。比如我的hero,就是hero xi。)
35. 喂(这个称呼表示的是长辈对晚辈,同辈之间,或者特别生气时叫对方的用语,非敬语哦。):ya!
36. 好吃:ma ji da
37. 打招呼:yi sa
38. 当然了:ku lo mu (或是na you ha ji)
39. 当然不是那样了:ku lo mu a ni gu
40. 是的(好的)(表示肯定语气):neh
41. 好的(表示顺从):ku dei
42. 不是的(表示所有的否定含义都是这个):a ni(或者是a ni yo)
43. 祝你生日快乐:san ri chu ka ha mi da
44. 妈的:ya xi!

Simple pronounciation, not really romanization .
























Tuesday, November 12, 2013



2、有事嗎,沒事?那掛了啊。 (父母打電話,也許只想說說話,我們能否理解他們的用意,不要匆忙掛了電話?)
4、跟你說了多少次不要你做,做又做不好。 (一些他們已經力不能及的事,我們因為關心而制止,但這樣讓他們覺得自己很無用)
5、你們那一套,早就過時了。 (父母的建議,也許不能起到作用,可我們是否能換一種回應的方式?)
6、叫你別收拾我的房間,你看,東西找都找不到! (自己的房間還是自己收拾好,不收拾,也不要違背父母的好意)
7、我要吃什麼我知道,別夾了! (盼著我們回家的父母總想把所有關心融在特意做的菜裡,我們默默領情就好)
8、說了別吃這些剩菜了,怎麼老不聽啊! (他們一輩子的節約習慣,很難改,讓他們每次盡量少做點菜就好)
10、這些東西說了不要了,堆在這裡做什麼啊! (他們總想把跟我們成長有關的東西都收藏起來,也許佔滿房間,多年後,看到自己還是嬰兒時的小棉襖,難道不是很很驚喜嗎?)


Sunday, November 10, 2013

How do burglars target your house?

Today it was an important lesson of my life.

It was a pleasant morning at 9, I was alone in my room. Face booking . Facing the book. Until I heard a normal sound that my parents usually make when they came back. The sound of opening the door. At that moment my website crash so I decided to check out the door. Shocked!!!!!! Two foreigners at the door!!!!!! Shit !!!!!! What should I do?????? I checked the porch, no car!!! That means that 2 fellows break in! Initially I thought they were mechanics with the spanner! Quickly I contact my parents. Oops 1 of their phone was on the table. I assumed the burglars heard that, it was incredibaly loud. I managed to contact my parents, hahahahah I recall they said 'TA MA' so loud @@.. Omg they were about to come in! I hid in the toilet because I assume they won't come into the toilet unless they needed to talk to god. I heard their voice and ransacked! Holy shit! I heard the sound of the wardrobe crack! I dare not hold on to my phone because I scare they find me and snatch away! The feeling is like running man bell race, the seeker and the hiding one. I am the hiding one, my heart beating so damn loud. Soon help arrived my parents came back! They heard the sound and ran! My daring parents hit them , but they managed to climb over the fence! Holy shit. I wonder if they took anything? My parents fell down during the commotion . After that I ran out with a bicycle to chase them but they are no way to be seen. I managed to chase a witness in a myvi to get the vehicle number but she drove away...

but before that, a tudung girl came ringing the bell several numerous times. I ignored her because she was a Malay . I not meant to be racist but I don't have anything personal with Malay . She was wearing black. I dare not look longer because I want her to assume this house is empty. The next thing I knew she and the white car drove off. The next minutes later the burglars started their actions.

The shit thing was having my phone out of my sight. Another thing was I wasn't wearing anything when it occur. And I have to wear-.-